Please click the following to see various photos of differing activities: Workshops, Japan Festival, Events


Takako Martin Workshop

A workshop featuring repetition of similar forms and shapes, with a secondary activity of creating a simplified arrangement using the original chosen form or shape.

The workshop then continued onto utilising wire weaving to make arrangements using wires.


Paper Workshop

The theme of this workshop was “using packaging paper”. Members were to make an arrangement featuring an interesting use of packaging paper.


Miniature Workshop

This workshop consists of a freestyle arrangement utilising grouping of small containers. It is a unique arrangement style challenging one’s selective choice in floral materials of a very small scale.


Bonsai Wire Workshop 2024

The theme of this workshop was to create an arrangement using bonsai wire. The main focus was knitting the wire molding it into different shapes to add an interesting touch in designing an arrangement. Recyclable plastic bottles were used as vases and heated into shape with a hairdryer.


Unconventional Material Workshop

This workshop was centred around using only unconventional materials, in which, with no living materials.


No Kenzan Workshop

An arrangement usually consists of a ‘Kenzan’ holding the flowers together with its metal spikes. However, this workshop challenged an arrangement without utilising one.


Workshop Using Verbs

This workshop consisted of making arrangements based on the keywords drawn by each member.